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Welcome to The Lin Institute! Since 1997, we have collected and documented the brain and nervous functional disorders associated with life styles. Hopefully, you can benefit from our websites  Here, we offer solutions for a healthier and happier life as described in without medication drugs.

When our nutritional supplements and Aquali Anal Breathing Qigong exercises can do it, you don't need drugs at all.  Click Catalog/Order for our life-enrichment Nutritional products.

Suffering is Believing ( for Mythic back Pains? Click Here), or
Seeing is Believing (
when UFO are flying over your visual field but you can not catch or get rid off them! and when your optometrists can not find them inside your eyeballs either! )
, or
Hearing is Believing
when you hear  your alarm go off but you cannot turn if off!!).
In GOD we trust. All others provide evidences - data and/or cases! Yes, we got them for you!
The Theoretical Foundation of the Problems is given in

Suggested Sample Solutions to rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function and to power your dopamine, acetylcholine (cholinergic/vagal/parasympathetic), serotonin, GABA, Oxytocinergic and NOergic nervous system for health and life enrichment: 

1. For exhausted or drug-abused young men and women, take ViaPal-hGH-J(3-015), ArgiNOx(1-018), and options: PinealTonin (2-002) (or 5-HTP (2-001)), DeToxiA(1-017) and Fish Oil; Drug abusers should include DeToxiA;

2. For exhausted or drug-abused men and women after age 30, take ViaPal-hGH-P(3-010), ArgiNOx(1-018), and options: PinealTonin (2-002) (or 5-HTP (2-001)), DeToxiA(1-017) and Fish Oil; Drug abusers should include DeToxiA;

3. For men and women with hypertension, high blood pressure, anxiety, stress, and menopause conditions, take ViaPal-hGH-E(3-011) (or ViaPla-hGh-M (3-014), ArgiNOx(1-018), and options: DeToxiA(1-017) and Fish Oil; Drug abusers should include DeToxiA.

For information about the non-organic body pain, cramp, headaches, dizziness, vertigo, depression, anxiety, stress, urinary incontinence, over-reactive bladder,  IBS, OCD, Chronic Prostate Pain or Non-bacterial "Infected" Prostatitis (particularly, after sex),  panic attack, hot flashes (memopause symptoms), unwanted night sweating(male/female menopause or excessive overstressed symptoms - elevation of core temperature), loss memory, poor concentration (ADD), ADHD, poor vision, eye floater, buzzing ears,...., please go to or, where Dr. Lin provides the most unique explanation and solutions for you to understand the mythic syndromes which are still UFO to the western medical societies.

By the way. why do we add the concentracted, tripple strength Omeage-3 Fish Oil  into our product family? and for what? Please read this insterested publication "The importance of the omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio in cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases." in Experiemental Biology and Medicine. The whole article is given in . According to this study, you may need as high as 3000 mg omage-3 (3 pills of our Omega-3 Fish Oil) every day.

Any questions?  Please go to Ask Dr. Lin, Free! Thank You.